In today’s business change is the one constant for every business. In fact, if there was ever a true statement said about business, it could be “Today is definitely not yesterday.” At the same time, it’s probably also safe to say that “Tomorrow will not be the same as today.”
Almost every business located around the world dealt with the negative impact from the global pandemic. Some appeared stronger with different and better business models. Meanwhile, other businesses faded away and disappeared. One major deciding business feature (success or failure) is established on what the business completes today, while also preparing for the next day.
Not enough can be written, read, or learned about what a business can and should complete to remain viable. and, at the same time remain sustainable for the long-term. Today’s plans will secure tomorrow’s benefits.
Creative –
In today’s world, businesses need to become innovative if they expect to stay in business. Change has been, and always will be, a piece of every business (voluntary or involuntary). Our economy certainly has caused voluntary or involuntary change! Businesses voluntarily change to remain viable, but involuntary change occurs for the very same goal.
Changes involve creativity. Here are a few creative change suggestions:
– Think outside the box.
– Accomplish things another way as never before.
– Plan for different operations.
– Marketing products and services in ways unlike previous marketing initiatives.
What is the best form of creativity? This is the “million dollar” question. Since every business differs in some way from its competition, no one answer fits all. Small business owners or nonprofit organization executives must evaluate and decide on a host of factors. For example, businesses must consider the following:
-Available opportunities,
-Financial resources,
-Supply chain,
-Employees, and
-Extent of branding, along with the quality and variety of products/services being offered.
Host of Opportunities –
Not one idea should be implemented. In fact, businesses need to explore a multitude of ideas. Extreme times call for extreme actions. The more ideas attempted; there’s a better chance for success. Check out the following list of ideas being tried today (as you can tell, many of these ideas are quite obvious):
- Beginning or increasing loyalty programs
- Credit extended to devoted customers
- Prolonged payments on purchases
- Promotional pricing
- Free deliveries for all kinds of products
- Markdowns for pre-payments of products/services being delivered
- Retail stores and restaurants implementing curbside pick-up and delivery
- Limiting items for sale by focusing on higher profit margins
- Employing video calls for conferences and sales presentations
- Promoting products/services by utilizing email and social media
- Virtual medical and professional services sessions
- Restaurants selling groceries to preserve their supply chain
- New online marketing campaigns
- Car dealerships and/or automotive repair shops providing a full tank of gas with warranty or service work
- Businesses, which previously did not accept credit cards, now accepting credit card payment
- Extended warranties
- Take advantage of e-commerce capabilities
- Special shopping hours for previous high volume shopping groups
- Online schooling and tutoring
- Airlines selling miles for pre-ticket purchases
- For colleges eliminate entrance exam testing requirements
As you can image, this list can be endless. Whether it’s brand new or old idea, all businesses should move out of their “comfort zones.”
Customers are ALWAYS Welcome –
All businesses or organizations must deal with the present while keeping an eye on the future. How do businesses accomplish this? Here are a few suggestions for consideration:
- Create value in products and services which customers can comprehend.
- Find out the needs of customers and provide needed products and services.
- Build trust with customers to secure ongoing relationships.
Successful businesses and organizations realize survival hinges on how change is the one constant for every business.